Discover the Savings Your Organization Can Achieve With Cuckoo
The calculation is based on a study by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health on the use of Cuckoo.
Read more about the study here.
Enter Your Organization’s Information
Please input the required figures in the fields below. The results will automatically update in the Cuckoo Estimates section. If your organization has more than 500 employees, please be in touch with our experts. We will calculate the savings and the annual price for your company.
Your Cuckoo Estimates
The results are based on a study conducted in collaboration with the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health on the benefits of regular break exercises. Learn more about the study here.
The average proportion of the staff size you provided who use Cuckoo regularly, based on the average.
Based on the study by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health: Efficiency increases by 1.5 €/ person/ hour.
The estimated reduction in sick days based on the study results, adjusted for active users: 2 days/ person/ year.
The cost of a 2-minute break at a rate of 20 €/ hour x 3 breaks = 2 €/ person/ day.
The average annual price of Cuckoo for your organization size.
This calculation is indicative and is based on the formula used in the study by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and its findings.